Hiring Holiday Lighting Installers

holiday lighting installers

Hiring a holiday lighting installer is a great way to decorate your home for the holidays. Although you can try to do it yourself, it is difficult to compete with the experience, training, and tools of a certified company. Plus, a certified company will not require you to use unsafe ladders or walk on rooftops.

Cost of hiring a professional holiday lighting installer

Hiring a professional holiday lighting installer can help you avoid the pitfalls of DIY holiday light installations. Prices range from $120 for a single-story house to $1,000 for a multi-story residence, but there are many factors that should be considered when deciding on the cost of holiday lighting installation. The first factor is the size of your home. Larger houses, for instance, require more lights than smaller ones, and the cost of labor and materials will increase accordingly. Another factor is the difficulty of accessing different parts of the house. For example, if the installation requires a ladder, it could cost $150 or more per foot.

You should be able to meet the installer and discuss your needs. Remember that each home is unique and has its own unique style, and a good installer will be able to incorporate the lighting ideas that are right for your home. Ensure that the installer is open to your ideas and suggestions, as this is essential for a successful installation. You should be able to talk to the installer about the cost estimate before hiring them.

You should have a rough idea of how much you are going to pay before hiring a professional holiday lighting installer. Prices for a typical 1,000-square-foot home can range from $80 to $300. You will need 10 to 20 light strands for an average-sized home. The cost for installation will also vary depending on the type of lights you choose. If you decide to use LED lights instead of incandescent bulbs, the installation cost will be higher. However, these lights consume less energy.

License requirements for holiday lighting installers

In order to operate as a holiday lighting installer, you will need to obtain the proper licenses and permits. Failure to do so will result in hefty fines and even the possibility of being shut down. To avoid these troubles, you should research and apply for the required permits. This can be done through the local government or by using the services of a company specializing in business license research.

In addition, you’ll need to set up a detailed schedule for the next few months. This will allow you to visit potential clients and take accurate measurements, as well as schedule installations and takedowns based on neighborhoods. For example, if you plan to install holiday lights on one side of town on a Tuesday, you may have to schedule takedowns on Wednesdays.

Another consideration is insurance coverage. As a holiday light installer, you’ll be working on roofs and ladders, so you’ll need to carry insurance in case of an accident. You’ll also want to invest in training to ensure that your work is safe. Kirk invests in a membership with the Christmas Light Installer Professional Association (CLIPA), which provides practical and in-class training on electrical safety and installation best practices. Members also get discounts on lights, which can be a great way to keep your costs down.

Putting up holiday lights can be a difficult, dangerous and expensive process. According to the National Safety Council, over fourteen thousand people were treated for holiday decorations-related injuries in 2018. Fires caused by holiday lights resulted in $56 million in property damage between 2016 and 2018. Hiring a professional holiday lighting installer is an excellent choice if you want to ensure your holiday lights are up to code.

Safety concerns

Holiday decorating can pose a number of safety concerns. Falls, electric shock, and short circuits are just a few of the potential hazards. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 13,000 people are treated for holiday decoration-related injuries each year. In addition to a higher number of fall injuries, holiday decorations pose a risk of fire and electrical shock.

Choosing holiday lighting installers that have liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance is a good idea. These policies protect homeowners from lawsuits if a technician gets injured while working on holiday lighting. In addition, reputable holiday lighting companies use top-quality lighting products. These high-quality lights can withstand the elements more effectively and reduce the risk of outages.

Professional holiday lighting installers can use harnesses and other safety equipment to install your holiday lights safely. Not only will they install the lights safely, but they will also be able to remove them easily when they’re finished. Choosing a professional for the job will ensure that your holiday lights are installed correctly and don’t damage the roof.

Holiday lights should meet OSHA safety standards and should be tested by independent laboratories. To reduce the risk of electrical shock and fire, consider using holiday lights that use light-emitting diodes. These bulbs use one-tenth of the energy of traditional mini-lights and stay cooler to the touch. Also, make sure to unplug holiday lights when not in use. And finally, use extension cords that are rated for the amount of electrical load they can handle. Overloading a circuit can cause a fire.