Christmas lights cost between $80 and $300
Depending on the number of strands of lights you choose, the cost of installing Christmas lights can range from $80 to $300. This price tag reflects both the labor and materials involved in the installation. Each strand can cost anywhere from $0.50 to $2 per foot, but you can find cheaper options at discount stores. A typical home between 1,000 and 2,000 square feet should require between 10 to 20 strands of lights. You can also opt for LED lights, which cost slightly more than incandescent ones but use far less energy.
Before buying Christmas lights, you should find out how much energy each string of lights will consume. You can find this information online or on the packaging of the lights that you have already purchased. You should then make an estimate of how much power the lights will use each day and how long they will be lit. This way, you can choose bulbs that are more energy efficient and will reduce your electric bill. For example, LED lights can save you as much as 90 percent of the energy costs of incandescent lights.
Christmas lights can be expensive, especially when you want to have a large outdoor display. But LED lights are an affordable alternative to traditional lighting that will last you for years. These lights only cost a few dollars per strand, compared to $80 to $300 for a standard set. LED lights last longer than incandescent lights and are also more environmentally friendly. In addition, they are recyclable, which can further reduce your energy bill.
Cost of installing holiday lights
The cost of installing holiday lights varies widely. The price may be as low as $50 or as high as $1,200, depending on the amount of space you have to work with and the type of lights you use. Professionals charge by the linear foot, which means that a larger house will require more lights than a small one.
Before deciding on which company to hire, sit down with a representative and discuss the type of lighting you would like to install. Every home is different, and each homeowner has a personal sense of style. A good installer will study your architecture and landscape to find the best ideas to suit your space. Be sure to give input so the contractor can be sure to do a good job.
You should schedule your holiday lights installation early in the fall so that you can enjoy them sooner and save money. Also, be aware that cold weather can pose safety risks for your lighting crew, which can make the job more expensive and time-consuming. To avoid safety concerns, don’t leave lights on in the garden or tree overnight. They can catch fire if left on for long periods of time.
Once you’ve chosen a contractor, you should consider how long the job will take. The time will vary according to the length of time you need to install the lights. Most lighting installers lease the lights during the festive season, but be sure to ask them if the lights you choose belong to them. If they don’t, some installers may charge you separate storage fees from their installation fee. You should also ask about maintenance services.
Cost of renting holiday lights
The cost to rent holiday lights varies greatly, depending on your area and the type of lights that you need. Basic labor only packages usually cost about $200, while packages that include lights and installation can cost as much as $600. You’ll also need to pay extra for LED bulbs, which are more expensive than incandescent bulbs. In addition, you should expect the cost to increase if you need more than 150 linear feet of lighting installed. The additional cost will depend on the type of bulbs and safety measures needed.
If you’re thinking about hiring a holiday lighting company to install lights on your home, it’s best to do so during the offseason, when business is low. You might even be able to get a discounted price if you book ahead. When choosing a company, do some research to ensure that you’re getting a quality service at a reasonable price. Most professionals will provide you with an upfront quote, but you may want to ask about package deals and special rates.
Hiring a company to install your lights can save you a lot of time and effort. Professionals know how to properly install your lights to make your home look festive all year long. They will also be able to take care of removing the lights once the holiday season is over.