Holiday lights can cause fires and property damage, so be careful while installing and uninstalling them. Before installing new holiday lights, always check the bulbs for damage. If possible, use LED lights, which are more energy efficient and run cooler than traditional incandescent bulbs. Also, use plastic clips to attach light strings to the house, rather than staples or nails. Be sure to keep children and pets away from light strings, as this can put them in a potentially dangerous position. You can also avoid overloading electrical outlets by only connecting lights to outlets with GFCI protection.
GFCI outlets protect your home from electric shorts
GFCI outlets are designed to prevent an electric short from causing shocks and fires. They are a good idea to install in places where electricity may come into contact with water, like near a sink or bathtub. In addition to protecting your home from electric shorts, GFCI outlets protect against fires caused by faulty wiring. GFCI outlets have a red reset button that can be used to reset them. One common cause of home fires is open flame candles. Battery operated candles are safer to use because there are no wires and no dangerous open flame.
Avoid frayed or damaged lights
The first step in ensuring that your holiday lights are safe to use is to inspect them carefully. You can do this by unplugging the lights and visually checking each strand. Check for frayed wires, broken bulbs, and cracked sockets. If you find a problem with a bulb, try to replace it as soon as possible. Make sure that the replacement bulb matches the voltage of the entire string.
Avoid metal fasteners
If you plan to hang holiday lights on your house, it is best to avoid using metal fasteners. These can damage wiring and cause fire hazards. You can instead use plastic fasteners to attach lights to trim and leave them hanging throughout the year. This will make the process of hanging holiday lights easier and safer.
Avoid hanging lights near flammable items
If you’re hanging holiday lights around your home, you need to be extremely careful. If you hang them near flammable items, they can cause a major fire hazard. To avoid this, keep your lights in a dry, ventilated area. You should also store them in a waterproof container so they don’t get wet.
Avoid tacks, staples, and nails
If you want to hang holiday lights on your house, be sure to use approved and verified equipment, such as those certified by UL or ETL. Check for the UL logo on the packaging of your lights. It’s also a good idea to use a sturdy mounting surface, rather than nails or staples, which can damage wire insulation and cause shorts.
Avoid electrical shorts
When lighting holiday lights, make sure that you plug them in safely. The first step is to check the amperage rating of the lights. Older lights can be dangerous, so you’ll want to stick with the latest versions. Newer ones come with fuses that prevent sparks from forming during a short circuit. It’s also a good idea to keep the number of strands you plug in under the maximum number for your house circuit. The number of strands you plug into each outlet depends on the maximum wattage of your circuit. If you’re unsure, limit each outlet to three light strings. Or, use a power strip with an in-built circuit breaker to limit the amount of power that the lights draw.
Avoid fire hazards
During the holiday season, it is important to remember to avoid fire hazards when holiday lighting. These hazards come in many forms and can increase your risk of a home fire. By following a few simple guidelines, you can make your holiday decorations safer and less likely to catch fire.
Avoid damage to electrical wiring
There are many precautions you need to take to avoid damaging your electrical wiring when lighting holiday lights. It is best to use holiday lights that are child-friendly, and check the labels to make sure they are not hazardous. It is also best to avoid using old and outdated holiday lights that could result in short circuits. Instead, invest in modern LED lights that use less power and don’t overheat. You should also discard any damaged lights with broken wires. If you think you may have an electrical problem, call an electrician for a checkup. They can check your electrical products, check your breaker box, and resolve any short circuits.